
Last night I wrote a manifesto trying to sum up all my thoughts in my internet censorship investigation. As I made it completely out of the blue as a sketch it was in my mother tongue (spanish) but today I decided to translate it, just in case anyone who don’t speak spanish wanted to read it. The original is in this link. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this! I’d love to read them.

I’m only twenty-one, but still, since I can remember, Our routine has changed considerably. When I was a toddler, internet was...


Recently I’ve been studying about Network Security. For a year, I’ve been using ettercap for pentesting and investigation, I even wrote a Lex app for it, but recently I’ve found a tool which is pretty similar but way better, logs are pretty organized and have better commands. I must say I will be using linux, there are options for network monitoring in Windows, but I’m not going to talk about them in this article.

First of all, network security monitoring allow us to detect and respond to intrusions. The range of the NSM data is:

  • Full content: all...


I’m giving a speech in September in Valencia, Spain, about Internet Censorship and how to fight against it. But the event itself is a huge opportunity to meet people interested in hacking, security and even find job opportunities. So I struggled to think a way to make myself noticed. I spent a while thinking the most geek things, and I selected a few of them, now I’m sharing one:

QR code temporary tattoo linked to my CV webpage. I’m a big fan of tattoos, I already have three, and not long ago I thought “hey it would be cool to...


I spent my day in creating an arduino toy I want to use in an incoming speech I’ll give in a sec convention, about internet censorship.

Internet censorship is a huge problem, and several associations and ngo’s are fighting against it, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation , Reporters sans frontiers, TOR, and others. But sometimes, in our comfortable position as a regular user (and even tho suffering surveillance and such) we forget about other countries, that block the access to sites such as facebook, twitter, wikipedia and others.

This device I created today, uses a simple rgb led in...


A computer for an ordinary user seems to need very less. User friendly interface, fast processing, internet connection, basic office pack, maybe a couple of games… Not a big deal. Most of these computers comes with windows already installed and antivirus, too.

But these characteristics aren’t as secure as we may think, even if they are commonly found. If we are looking for a greater security and privacy, there are a few things to take in consideration.

1 - Operating system. We cannot think of privacy without thinking in Linux. Once we have clear we need to install Linux in...